Oru panai sorukku
Oru panai sorukku

oru panai sorukku oru panai sorukku oru panai sorukku

See the interesting article by KV Ramachandran in the Music Academy Journal of 1938! He suggests (on the third page) that Singarachariar made up ragas for some kritis and this was subsequently used by others!Ģ. I refer to two articles from two highly respected scholars.ġ. Just because they are in a book, it does not mean they are authentic krithis. Some of these kritis are available in manuscript, and from more than one source. But, then, I wouldn't like to go too deep into that. There are a number of kRtis where he has laboured with words. But, it is not correct to say that all his kRtis are inspirational. One thing, none of the 22 kRtis show the tyAgarAja's passion. Unlike the kRti given in post #450 which is, to say the least, absurd, these 22 kRtis are well composed. If indeed these kRtis were not composed by SrI tyAgarAja, then it has been done by a very clever person who knew tyAgarAja's style very well. But, I left it, because of two reasons - one I did not want to superpose my prejudices, and two, I was not musically qualified. The following kRtis have some obvious errors -Ī few years back, after completion of blogging, I started analysis of the kRtis. I have gone through the kRtis listed (22). There are three kRtis (of the 22) with rAga mudra. The commonality between the list in #422 and the above are 'mAra vairi' and 'sadA madin' if they are same kRtis as listed by me. MAra vairi ramaNi - nAsika bhUshaNi - Siva (There are two kRtis in kEdAra gauLa both starting similarly. Of these, there are only two kRtis on Siva. In the book of TKG, the following 22 kRtis are listed as doubtful - I have gone by this opinion for want of any contradiction. There is a saying - the best tribute is plagiarizing. Nirmala SrI tyAgarAju pogaDitEnEmi - of what avail even if pure tyAgarAja praises? Sajjanula bhUshincitEnEmi - of what avail praising good people?ĭharma karmamu jEsitEnEmi - of what avail performing dharma and karma ? SahasranAma bhOjanamu ? What does it mean?ĭurjanula dUshincitEnEmi - of what avail cursing evil people? Satya vratamu lella sAdhincitEnEmi - vratamu sAdhincu? It could be vratamu jEsitEnEmi PAmarulakevaru pAlincunu - wrong usage - it could be 'pAmarulanevaru'Ĭ - sapta kOTi mantramu cadivincitEnEmi - what is the use teaching 7 crore mantras? - teaching? Pallavi - Siva (1st line) cintincu (2nd line)Ī - bhavAbdhi taraNamu bAdhincaga - without affecting crossing of saMsAra ? (Of what avail if pure tyAgarAja praises) (Of what avail doing sahasra nAma food offering?) (Of what avail having all powers like an emperor) (Of what avail accomplishishing penances of truth) Accordingly, I have taken one 'kRti' purported to have been written by SrI tyAgarAja.

oru panai sorukku

In tamil, there is a proverb - oru pAnai sOTRukku oru sOru padam (ஒரு பானை சோற்றுக்கு ஒரு சோறு பதம்) meaning, to find out whether the rice is cooked or not, you just test one grain.

Oru panai sorukku